Happy Hour Debate
.@LindseyGrahamSC: No one in the base likes you. Drop out now. Seriously. You're not helping. Please go away. #GOPDebate
.@GovernorPataki: Switch parties and run against #ReadyForHillary for the D nomination. You might win something that way. #GOPDebate
.@RickSantorum: You've lost every time you've been on the ballot since 2006. Take the hint and join a think tank. #GOPDebate
.@CarlyFiorina: Introduce yourself and be yourself. Keep fighting #ReadyForHillary and you'll come out ahead. #GOPDebate
.@GovChristie: Your fight with @RandPaul was a great highlight from last debate. This time focus on how you'll fix a broken DC. #GOPDebate
.@JohnKasich: You and @ScottWalker are best positioned to capture the heartland. Highlight your record as a solid governor. #GOPDebate
.@RandPaul: Isolationism is appealing but not where base is. Don't engage @GovChristie. Focus on freedom to survive the night. #GOPDebate
.@MikeHuckabee: GWB killed big government conservatism. Sorry. You'll make a great talk show host. Again. #GOPDebate
.@RealBenCarson: You're not POTUS material. Sorry. Use tonight to declare that you'll be GOP Surgeon General. #GOPDebate
.@ScottWalker: Explain that you're a fighter and a winner. NLRB-busting plan will be a hit with the base if you can explain it. #GOPDebate
.@JebBush: The establishment loves you. That's bad. Taking on @realDonaldTrump is your only hope. #GOPDebate
.@realDonaldTrump: Stick to the issues, don't engage the other candidates when they attack. Maybe switch to decaf. #GOPDebate
Bonus Round: The Debate Staff
.@jaketapper: GOP base hates MSM and @CNN but trusts you. Build on that and you'll secure an audience through the election. #GOPDebate
.@DanaBashCNN: As the representative of the left feel free to reinforce all of our stereotypes. We won't hold it against you. #GOPDebate
.@hughhewitt: Looking forward to your usual probing questions of the candidates. Hope that they cooperate. #hewitt #GOPDebate